Due to our move, shipping for orders placed now will take 6 to 8 weeks while we shift our efforts into setting up our operations at the new vibe farm.  We are moving our VibesUP product making operations to a cute 50 acre vibe farm only 15 minutes from our current location.

Both of our VibesUP stores will remain open.
-366 Main Street in Placerville
-698 Front Street in Santa Cruz

Leader in the Field of Vibrational Therapy Products and Education



Over 100 GOOD ENERGY products for improving our everyday lives!


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From The Blog

“If you want to go back to TRUTH, Go back to NATURE.”

...Was my favorite quote from a recent course on the Origin of the Soul. Over the last few years my conversations with Trees have increased.  Even though humans have been so unkind to nature, I would like to assure you that the trees are passionately excited to step...

Why are Divine Soles on the top of Kaitlyn’s list for being the most powerful tool for results and transformation?

Plug in- Our feet have 50,000 receptors they are our plug in and the earth is our energy source. Similar to how you plug an appliance into a wall socket. Balance-When we connect our feet to the earth it opens our crown chakra putting in the Divine balance of bringing...

Believing in ourselves is the BIGGEST thing we can do to affect our Vibration.

Today's NEW kids can teach us all as they go through the right brain/ left brain struggle right under our noses. Let's collectively help them love and believe in themselves as we embody this same feeling for ourselves. There is not right or wrong. Both sides are...


DO WHAT YOU LOVE, LOVE WHAT YOU DO   Why is it so important to know your GIFT? Some come into life just knowing what that purpose is but many will spend most of their lives not really sure of their 'gift'.     To the Mayans it was so important to know your...


OLD OUCHES?  I have a sincere desire to be more loving and more in my heart space. However, I think because we have had so many ounces in that area that we can tend to unknowingly avoid being in our heart. Maybe there are some emotional pains there that we are trying...

Happy customers.

I want to say “THANK YOU!!!” for making the eye mask! It has been a true lifesaver for me. I can’t thank you enough. I have recurring Iritis (inflammation of the iris) that has been causing me many difficulties, and your mask has been great support. My treatment time for a flare up has been cut to at least a quarter!

Patty Drews

I am very sensitive to my environment. I’ve tried several different things that are supposed to help with the computer EMF etc (plants, crystals, special ‘plates’ etc), nothing made any difference as far as I could tell. Than I sat on the VibesUP grounding mat, wore the special earth ionizer necklace, Divine Soles & attached a bit of excess divine soles to my mouse (with sellotape!) than I put a mat ON the computer itself & IMMEDIATELY!!! My body just LET GO…. I am (within minutes!) breathing a little easier, tension in my back that I did not even know was there is releasing & I have tears in my eyes as more of my scatty sensitive spirit has a homecoming re-union with my body.

Lisa Bingham,

Yesterday I had a wisdom tooth out and came home with a VERY swollen face. I wrapped the Divine Mask around the left side of my jaw and within 1/2 hour, the swelling had completely gone down!! Amazing!! Today there is still no swelling and I was able to eat solid foods instead of soup and yoghurt!! Love you, love VibesUP!

Nicole Lockhart